Nanofiltration Membrane NF 33/270.

Processes 80-300 gallons per day, depending on model selection. Nanofiltration membranes have pore sizes from 1-10 Angstrom, smaller than that used in microfiltration and ultrafiltration, but just larger than that in reverse osmosis.

ANSI/NSF certified component Standard 58

Nanofiltration Membranes NF33/NF270



Description-Nanofiltration Membranes

PWT is proud to introduce our newly designed residential  nanofiltration membranes and  they are available up to 300GPD capacity.  Please inquire about any larger capacities.

Nanofiltration membranes are a type of pressure-driven membrane that has properties in between those of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes. Nanofiltration membranes have the advantages of providing a high water flux at low operating pressure and maintaining a high salt and organic matter rejection rate. The nanofiltration process has the benefits of ease of operation, reliability and comparatively low energy consumption ( Compared to RO) . Nanofiltration also has a  highly efficient pollutant removal including pathogens.  This helps to minimise scale formation on the equipment involved in both reverse osmosis and thermal desalination processes. Nanofilters can “soften” water by retaining scale-forming, hydrated divalent ions (e.g. Ca2+, Mg2+) while passing smaller hydrated monovalent ions .


High quality US made membranes.

Remove all pathogens and bivalent salts from water.

Ideal for residential and commercial point-of-use applications.

Fit into the standard 2″x12″ filter housing.

Lower energy consumption compared to reverse osmosis.

 ANSI/NSF certified component Standard 58


General Information -Nanofiltration  Membranes

  • Keep elements moist at all times after initial wetting.
  • Observe operating limits and guidelines  as failure to do so can render the limited warranty  null and void.
  • To prevent biological growth during prolonged system shutdowns, it is recommended that membrane elements be immersed in a preservative solution.
  • The customer is fully responsible for the effects of incompatible chemicals and lubricants on elements.
  • Maximum pressure drop across an entire pressure vessel (housing) is 60 psi (4.1 bar).
  • Avoid permeate-side backpressure at all times.
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Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 2 x 2 x 12