Description MediaPlus Iron Removal Filter
Chemical free iron removal with our 35% Manganese Dioxide greensand media – requires only oxygen for conversion of ferrous iron to filtrable ferric iron. Our long life media will provide many years of reliable iron removal requiring only pre- aeration of the water and correction of pH to a level of at least 7 . Our media will also remove manganese and hydrogen sulphide , provided the ph is 8 or more.
- Iron in rural groundwater supplies is a common problem: its concentration level ranges from 0 to 50 mg/l, while WHO recommended level is < 0.3 mg/l. The iron occurs naturally in the aquifer but levels in groundwater can be increased by dissolution of ferrous borehole and submersible pump components. Iron-bearing groundwater is often noticeably orange in colour, causing discolouration of laundry, and has an unpleasant taste, which is apparent in drinking and food preparation.
- Iron dissolved in groundwater is in the reduced iron II form. This form is soluble and normally does not cause any problems by itself. Iron II is oxidised to iron III on contact with oxygen in the air or by the action of iron related bacteria. Iron III forms insoluble hydroxides in water. These are rusty red and cause staining and blockage of screens, pumps, pipes, reticulation systems etc. If the iron hydroxide deposits are produced by iron bacteria then they are also sticky and the problems of stain and blockage are many times worse. The presence of iron bacteria may be indicated by rusty slime inside the pipework, reduced water flow form the bore and unpleasant odour from water pumped from the bore, slimy deposits blocking main and lateral lines, severe staining on pavements and fixtures.
- MediaPlus is an extremely powerful catalytic water filtration media that is designed for the removal of iron and manganese in aqueous solutions (water) without the need for potassium permanganate or chemical regeneration. The unique microporous structure ofMediaPlus efficiently removes dissolved iron to the almost undetectable levels as low as 0.001 ppm and manganese to 0.001 ppm.
- MediaPlus acts as an oxidation catalyst with immediate oxidation and filtration of the insoluble precipitates derived from this oxidation reaction.
- MediaPlus can also remove Arsenic, Aluminium and other heavy metals and Hydrogen Suphfide under certain conditions. The material is part of the broad category of products deriving their physical and chemical action fromthe interaction of their metal oxide surface with the water molecules and ions in solution.
Description Backwash Filter and valve
The iron removal filter comes with a composite pressure vessel , filtration media including underbed, internal riser and laterals as well as an automated Clack control valve .

- 1″ to 1.5″ top mount control valve suited for mid-size commercial/industrial applications
- Lead free brass valve body
- Economical optional meter
- Service flow rate of 227lpm, backwash 189 lpm
- Solid state microprocessor with easy access front panel settings
- Front panel display for time of day, days until next regeneration, volume remaining and current flow rate and total volume used (Totalizer)
- Four methods to initiate the downflow regeneration; meter immediate, meter delayed, time clock delayed or pressure differential
- Optional double backwash feature offers optimum regeneration, cleaning ability and efficiency
- Fully adjustable 6-cycle control delivers controlled backwash, downflow brining/slow rinse, second backwash, fast rinse, refill and downflow service
- 12-volt output AC Adapter provides safe and easy installation
- Treated water regenerant refill
- 24 hour clock
- Reliable and proven DC drive